Saturday, January 15, 2011

Holy Cow...

Time sure flies! I can't believe it's been over a week since I've posted. The month is slipping by quickly. Already this month, my husband had a birthday (he forgot his age), my daughter had knee surgery (she is doing awesome), my son passed his Eagle Scout board of review (the first Eagle Scout of 2011) , I've made one quilt that is at the quilters (which I will post as soon as I get it back), another one will be done on Monday, have two more in the works, plus three on the drawing board. To top all that, I've been to my Aerobics class 7 times already! I do Step Aerobics, Zumba, Turbo and Ripped believe it or not I can still walk. HaHaHa. Talk about starting the year with a bang! Boy, I think I'm tired. Until next time, which will be sooner than later. Just keep sewing, life is wonderful.


  1. I'm exhausted just reading about your busy month! Congrats to your Eagle Scout, wishing your daughter speedy recovery, and I think your hubby has the right idea - I try and forget my age on a regular basis... 29 & holding, right? Can't wait to see the new quilts!

  2. Well it is no wonder you haven't had time to blog. It sounds crazy just reading it. I'm glad you daughter is healing. Good for you on the exercise. Lots of variety.
